Matti Tuominen
I am very pleased with the invitation, and in just a few sentences I will tell you about my life with Samoyeds.
I think my dog hobby comes as a blood inheritance because my aunt raised Samoyed dogs when I was little. I could say that I know the Samoyeds like the back of my hand. Dog shows and breeding became my passion. It was immediately clear to me that I want to breed dogs that are also successful at shows.
I got the kennel name KUURAN (eng. FROSTY) and already the first litter was born under my kennel name. My breeding Sammies were extremely successful and the Finnish Kennel Club awarded me the Vuolasvirta award for meritorious breeding work. I have always been interested in all breeds and bred some other breeds as well.
Then my life situation changed and I moved to the city. The breeding of Sammies ended, but I was already a judge, so the hobby continues that way. I have had the honor of judging at specialty shows around the world in addition to other dog shows. I am looking forward to this upcoming show and I already wish everyone a really nice time at this great event.