In November 2016 two members of the Bobtail Club of the Czech Republic, Petra Márová and Karolina Morrison, who were at that time in preparation for the Euro OES Show 2017, brought me to the idea of organizing the Euro Samoyed Show.

Thanks to the fact that the Bobtail club organized this show for the third time and with great success, I decided to implement this idea for the world of Samoyeds in the same year 2017. The show that the Samoyed Club wanted to organize had to be conceived as a Central European Show in order to be able to award the national CAC and CAJC titles. It was not entirely easy, we had to contact the Samoyed clubs of neighbou ring countries to confirm that they agree to hold such a show, and only then we could apply for the show. The preparations were challenging, to choose a suitable place where there would be the facilities for indoor show rings, a social hall for participants and visitors, the possibility of accommodation with dogs, and last but not least the possibility of some social activities of this meeting. Following the example of the Bobtail club, we have chosen an already proven place, Valtice castle. Everything was there and the whole Valtice area contributed to the wonderful atmosphere of our first Central European show, which was a great success.

The Euro Samoyed Committee was established as a part of the event, whose members were: Ota Janko (CZ), Renata Fossati (IT), Tuula Pratt (FIN) and Jana Fulierová (SK). The current members of the committee (5/2020) are: Paola Daffunchio (IT), Jenni Korpisalo FIN), Martin Henčel (SK) and Ota Janko (CZ).

I am very pleased that the Euro Samoyed Show found its supporters and in 2018 1st Euro Samoyed Show was held in Slovakia and then in 2019 the 2nd year, it took place in Estonia. I firmly believe that the tradition will continue.

Ota Janko , President of the Euro Samojed Committee

Websites of previous Euro Samoyed shows

Established document

Protocol establishing the EURO SAMOYED SHOW COMMITTEE

Herby we establish EURO SAMOYED SHOW COMMITTEE, consisting of four founding members:

Ota Janko (Czech Republic) – President

Renata Fossati (Italy)

Tuula Pratt (Finland)

Jana Fulierová (Slovakia)

EURO SAMOYED SHOW COMMITTEE oversees the organization of the Euro Samoyed Show and gives the basic rules for the entire event. The national clubs cannot organize this European show unless they have agreed to respect these rules.


In order to give all European shows the same quality as much as possible, rules are drafted which minimally have to be obeyed.
Clubs that agree to organize the Euro Samoyed Show, also accept the conditions that have to be met.

The conditions are:

  1. The show carries the name ‘EURO SAMOYED SHOW’.
  2. The show is organized observing the national cynological rules of the coun­try in which the show is held. If possible the C.­A.C. will be given.
  3. The Club chosen by the Euro Samoyed Show Committee to organize the Euro Samoyed Show shall submit a list of 5 judges names. These must be Samoyed specialists, e.g. Crufts judge, World Show Judge, European Show Judge Etc.  The Euro Samoyed Show Committee will select one judge for the Euro Samoyed Show. If more judges are nee­ded, this particu­lar jud­ge will decide by whom he or she wants to be assi­sted. The co-judge should be a breed specialist as well.
  4. In case of absence or refusal of the selected judge, the new judge will be selected by the same system. He or she will then choose the assis­tant-judge.
  5. The judges who are judging at the EURO SAMOYED SHOW are not allo­wed to judge Samoyeds on the continent in the same year between the first of January and the EURO SAMOYED SHOW.
  6. The following titles will be awarded: Best European SAMOYED male , Best European SAMOYED bitch, Best European SAMOYED Junior, Best European SAMOYED Veteran, Etcetera.
  7. An information flyer containing next year’s show dates, country, place and name of  judges, should be available during the Euro Samoyed Show the year before. The information must be written in English langure as a minimum.

A homepage describing all activities, day by day program, presentation of the judges and the venue, entry forms, show rules & regulations, to be completed min. 8 months prior to the Euro Oes Show and in English langure as a minimum.

  • The show is if possible to be held in April or May. The show on Saturday or Sunday. An eventual cynologic and/or other activities during the same Weekend.
  • The winners will receive valuable prizes, which will be provided by the organizing country.
  • A show catalogue to be printed, in English language as a minimum, for all participants of the Euro Samoyed Show, as well as for the members of the Euro Samoyed Show Committee.


  • The accommodation is preferred to be close to the show ground
  • The Gala Dinner is preferred to take place in one suitable room  
  • People being part of the local organizing committee not to show

Rules for the Euro Samoyed Show Committee

  1. Once a year at the Euro Samoyed Show a meeting is arranged, unless reasons oc­cur to meet more frequently.
  2. At the meetings are invited the members of the forum. They can accompany themselves with one member of the committee of their national club.
  3. Decisions are made by consensus of the members of the forum. Absent members of the forum can participate the meeting via teleconference. The members of the national club commit­tees who are present are entitled to give an advisory vote. In the case of a tie vote (1:1, 2:2) the Committee President has the deciding vote.
  4. At the Euro Samoyed Show the Euro Samoyed Show Committee decides which county will organize the show over two years.

In case of withdrawal – for every possible reason whatsoever – the members of the forum will together propose another member.

In Valtice on March 31, 2017