Euro Samoyed Show 2025
26.4. 2025 – SLOVENIA
JUDGE: Mrs. Vilma Hell-Frijters, Netherlands CV |
Intermediate Class, Open Class, Working Class and Winner Class, BOB, BOS, BOV, BOJ |
JUDGE: Mrs. Tuula Pratt, Finland CV |
Baby Class, Puppy Class, Junior Class, Honour Class and Veteran Class, Progeny Class, Breeder´s Class , Best couple |
Closing date: 10.04.2025
General regulations:
Only the dogs with the FCI recognized pedigree may be shown. The original pedigree is to be available at the show. Sick dogs cannot take part in the show. All dogs should be kept on a leash at all times and muzzled if aggressive.
The exhibitor is liable for the presentation of his/her dog(s) by the catalog numbers in the ring in due time. By signing the registration form, exhibitors accept to conform to the Slovenian Kennel Club Bylaws on Exhibiting. The organizer reserves the right to substitute the judges. The registration fee is to be settled regardless of whether the registered dog is shown or not. The exhibitors are responsible for the welfare of the dogs at the FCI national dog show. It is forbidden to expose a dog to a situation that can be dangerous for its health and welfare, such as for example leaving it in the car in excessively hot or cold weather and/or treating it in a cruel manner. Violation of this ruling will result in exclusion from the ongoing and future dog shows.
The exhibitor is liable for any damages caused by his/her dog(s) at the show. The organizer refuses all responsibility. Exhibitor’s complaints will be dealt with at show only.
All dogs participating at the show must be clinically healthy. Exhibitors must present the pet passport certificate for valid vaccination against rabies
The exhibitor agrees that the show organizer processes and uses the collected personal data for the dog shows purposes and allows publishing of these data as well as of the show photo material.
Conclusions of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and the Cynological Association Slovenia (CAS)
- Use of chemical substances in dog grooming is prohibited.
- Double handling and placing dog against dog is prohibited.
- Any aggression is immediately penalized by the disqualification of the dog.
- Cropped or docked dogs, born after 1.1.2015 cannot be shown. Exceptions are docked dogs for medical reasons with veterinarian certificate enclosed with the entry form and presented to the judge at the show.
Any decision made by a judge regarding the qualifications, awards and placing is final and indisputable. However, complaints about the organization of the show and about the procedure followed to give the qualifications, awards and placing are admissible and have to be made immediately in writing and against the deposit of 100 EUR as surety. If the complaint is found to be unjustified, this surety will be handed over to the organizer of the show.
Minor Puppy Class
Dogs from 4 – 6 months.
Puppy Class
Dogs from 6 – 9 months.
Junior Class
Dogs from 9 – 18 months. Dogs entered in this class compete for CAC-J SLO
Intermediate Class
Dogs from 15 – 24 months. Dogs entered in this class compete for CAC SLO.
Open Class
Minimum age 15 months. Dogs entered in this class compete for CAC SLO.
Champion Class
Dogs entering this class must obtain international or foreign FCI champions. Dogs entered in this class compete for CAC SLO and must be at least 15 months old.
Working Class
Minimum age 15 months and reserved for the dogs entitled in this class according to the FCI rules. Dogs entered in this class compete for CAC SLO.
Veteran Class
Dogs from 8 years and over. Dogs entered in this class compete for CAC-V SLO.
Dog and bitch of the same breed, variety and owner with the positive grade on the show.
Breeding Group
At least 3 dogs of the same breed and variety, bred by the same breeder with positive grade on the show.
CAC SLO in every class (intermedia, open, working, champion); Eurosamoyed Junior Winner male/female, Eurosamoyed Winner male/female, Eurosamoyed Veteran Winner male/female; BOB and BOS, Junior BOB, Junior BOS, Veteran BOB, Veteran BOS
CAC SLO in every class (intermedia, open, working, champion); Junior Club Winner male/female, Club Winner male/female, Veteran Club Winner male/female, BOB and BOS, Junior BOB, Junior BOS, Veteran BOB, Veteran BOS
The only dogs which can be considered for the CAC SLO are those which have been awarded Excellent 1 in Intermediate, Open, Working or Champion Class.
Reserve CAC SLO
The Reserve CAC SLO can be awarded to the second-best dog in competition for CAC SLO.
The title can be awarded by the judge to the dog and bitch with Excellent 1 in Junior class. The male and female that receive the CAC-J SLO title compete for Junior Best of Breed (JBOB) and Junior Best of Opposite Sex (JBOS).
The title can be awarded by the judge to the dog and bitch with Excellent 1 in Veteran class. The male and female that receive the CAC-V SLO title compete for Veteran Best of Breed (VBOB) and Veteran Best of Opposite Sex (VBOS).
Eurosamoyed or Club Winner
All CAC winners compete for Club Winner title separately for males and females.
Eurosamoyed or Club Junior Winner
This title is awarded to the CAC-J winner.
Eurosamoyed or Club Veteran Winner
This title is awarded to the CAC-V winner.
Best of Breed – BOB and Best of Opposite Sex – BOS
The best male and the best bitch are chosen after judging of each sex. The Eurosamoyed or Club Junior Winner, Eurosamoyed or Club Winner and Eurosamoyed or Club Veteran Winner compete for best male and best bitch. Best male and best bitch compete for Best of Breed (BOB) and Best of Opposite Sex (BOS).
Regulations for the champion titles of Slovenia are published on web site of Cynological
association Slovenia:
Show fees & deadlines:
EUROSAMOYED 2025 | until: 10.01.2025 | until: 10.02.2025 | until: 10.03.2024 | until: 10.04.2025 |
Junior, Intermediate, Open, Working, champions | 40€ | 45€ | 50€ | 55€ |
Next dog | 35€ | 40€ | 45€ | 50€ |
Minor puppy, Puppy, Veterans | 30€ | 35€ | 40€ | 45€ |
Couples, Breeding groups | 10€ | 10€ | 10€ | 10€ |
Out of competition | 20€ | 20€ | 20€ | 20€ |
Change of class | 10€ | 10€ | 10€ | 10€ |
SPECIAL SHOW FOR 5. FCI GROUP | until: 10.01.2025 | until: 10.02.2025 | until: 10.03.2024 | until: 10.04.2025 |
Junior, Intermediate, Open, Working, champions | 35€ | 40€ | 45€ | 50€ |
Next dog | 30€ | 35€ | 40€ | 45€ |
Minor puppy, Puppy, Veterans | 25€ | 30€ | 35€ | 40€ |
Couples, Breeding groups | 10€ | 10€ | 10€ | 10€ |
Out of competition | 20€ | 20€ | 20€ | 20€ |
Change of class | 10€ | 10€ | 10€ | 10€ |
Account Holder:
Klub za nordijske pasme in špice
Kočno pri Polskavi 11d
2314 Zgornja Polskava
IBAN: SI56 6100 0002 6287 347
Payment reference: seminar, Friday dinner, Saturday lunch, gala dinner, Sunday lunch